Association of Peoples of Asia

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  Asia is not only the most populous continent but it has also contributed to the civilisational developmenf of the human race from very early times. Intermingling of its people over fhe centuries established strong socigl ond cultural bonds across its lands. It was this very special. choracteristic which Mahatma Gandhi descrbed as the Asian identity whilst addressing the Asion Relations Conference in March/April 1947. 

In this new millennium there is now the need to further strengthen these bonds to achieve the ideal of oneness of mankind. This was emphosised by Saint Vinoba Bhave, the spirifual heir of Mahatma Gandhi, when he exhorted  people to adopt Jai Jagat (victory to the world) os their. slogan. The Association of Peoples of Asia (APA) was accordingly  formed in 1994 at New Delhi under the chairmanship of Ms. Nirmala Deshpande with the paricipation of other colleagues of Akhil Bharot Rachanatmak Somaj with the aim of nurturing peoples-to-peoples contact amongst the. various countries of Asia. *Objectives of the Association:

 The Association strives to fulfil the following obijectives:

 (a) To foster friendship and understanding omongst the people of Asia for a peacetul and non-violent world. 

(b) To identify cultural, educational and voluntary organisations in different countries of Asia with similor objectives and to develop contact with them.

 (c). To organise conterences, seminars, workshops, peoce. marches, lectures and other ways of interaction amongst the people. 

(d) To promote and facilitate meaningful exchanges and. -interactions omongst social activists, intellectuals, professionals, arists, writers, women, youth, farmers and artisans of diterent countries of Asia. 

 (e)To organise humanitarian help at the time of natural calamities and render needed services to the offected people.


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